A platform to help patients of chronic pain and their caretakers
Deutsche Rheuma-Liga
Deutsche Rheuma-Liga“17 million people in Germany suffer from rheumatism. “Move more together” is the motto of the German Rheumatism League, the largest German self-help organization in the health sector. Strong together against rheumatism Since it was founded in 1970, the number of members has increased to around 270,000. People with rheumatism, relatives, therapists, doctors and…
Natural Pain Killer
A drink containing anti-inflammatory ingredients that also tastes delicious. After filtering out the juice, you can use the remaining paste as a spice paste for curries. Link to TikTok video: #pain #arthritis #natural | TikTok
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Kate has Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2012 and would like to share her journey managing chronic pain with some ideas that worked for her.